This past Wednesday, my sweet little Bosco had eye surgery. A little over a year ago, we noticed a lump started growing over his right eye. We didn't really think to much of it at the time, but over the months it started getting bigger.... and bigger... and bigger. And because of his age (14 1/2) we really struggled and debated over and over (and over!) on what to do. We love this little fellow so much!

We worried about him going under anesthesia and didn't want to put him through a surgery if it wasn't totally necessary. He had knee surgery 6 or 7 years ago and I was nervous about that! Over the months, we talked about it and finally decided it needed to be done. Part of the reason we held off so long, was because it never really seemed to bother him, until just recently. He never scratched or pawed at it. He would just close it more often, especially when he was tired.
He had an appointment at the vet for some vaccines and I looked down and just noticed how much it bulged out. It made me so sad because I knew it was time. After talking it over, the vet was very optimistic and made us feel super comfortable about having it done.

After dropping him off, I cried the whole way home. Hoping we made the right decision. Waiting for the phone call was the longest 3 hours of my life! Once they called, I was so relieved and could breath again. 5 o'clock couldn't come fast enough. Our vet did a fantastic job and removed a mass about the size of a grape! (She showed us the mass and it was so disgusting! lol) It was REALLY swollen and he was a little dopey on the ride home, but I was just so happy he didn't have to stay overnight!
Its been few days since the surgery and he's been such a little trooper! The first night was pretty rough. He seemed to be in some pain and just couldn't get comfortable. And because of his meds, he was drinking a lot. So that meant lots of potty breaks! But now, he's almost back to his playful self! Its only been a few days and the swelling has gone down some, he's back to following me all over the house and his appetite it definitely back! He's such a little piggy! lol
We are just so happy he made it through! We go back in a week to get the stitches out!

UPDATE (10/29/2016):
It's healing up nicely and looking so much better! But we got the bad news that the lump was cancerous! :(
I'm so devastated and not sure what our next step is. It's been a bit of a blur since the vet called to tell us. So when we go get the stitches out, we will discuss it more. Please keep my little guy in your prayers! xo
There is definitely more to consider with older dogs going through surgery. Good to hear that Bosco's procedure went well. Here's to a speedy recovery!
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry to hear about Bosco.. poor little puppy. Good news is that everything went well and you're back to being healthy pretty soon!
ReplyDeleteI am so relieved to hear that Bosco's surgery went well!! I'm hoping for a speedy recovery :)
ReplyDeleteSo good to hear that everything went well with Bosco's eye surgery. My husband had dogs and I understand how hard these things are, you know?
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh... Jess.. I am so sorry that I'm only reading about this now. I feel so selfish... I am so so sorry. Your last update just broke my heart... please please don't tell me it's true... I am thinking about you guys and sending all our love. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you... xx praying for Bosco.