winter inspiration


Happy Friday! Just a little Winter/Holiday inspiration for your weekend!
I never thought I would say this... but I actually miss the snow! Just a little bit! ;) It just doesn't feel like Christmas in these parts. Hoping to feel more festive this weekend.... breaking out the decorations and the Christmas music will be blasting!

So tell me, have you started decorating? How about shopping? Are you in the Holiday spirit yet?

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  1. Nope. Didn't start the decor, that is...Keep absorbing inspiration - that Pinterest is Evil in good colors and shapes ahahahahah - and can't decide.

    But I know me and when I'll get to it even dogs will be Christmased ;).

    I often wonder how people deal with this Holiday in different environments than the ones they were brought in. We always have wintery Winter - you know rain, wind, cold - and in the last 2 years we had better weather on Christmas than we did on Easter (blah global warming :D) and it was weird and everyone was feeling deprived.

    Happy Holidays and Enjoy! Because the most important is with you and thanks to Global Warming you might even get some snow ahahahah :knock, knock, knock:

    Take Care, Pretty!

  2. You miss the snow until you come back to visit and realize wow... I have it so good down there, I must have been crazy! ;-) lol Miss you! xoxo

  3. That packaging is so adorable!!

  4. Ooh beautiful inspiration! It felt a lot like Christmas this weekend when it snowed, but now it's 60 degrees! Crazy. Bring back the cold! ;)

  5. I missed your posts! Great inspiration I love snow:)


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